The sole representative of Ambrogio Robot in Poland
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How do our innovative robots work?

Ambrogio is an intelligent mower that mows grass independently and automatically. The device does not require your presence or help. Works at programmed intervals, in alternating mowing and charging cycles. The Ambrogio robotic lawnmower always knows what to do: it can mow the entire lawn without leaving even the smallest area. If it encounters an obstacle, it avoids and remembers it; if it enters thicker or taller grass, it activates special functions to mow it. The robot avoids re-mowing areas that have already been mowed, and when the battery is low, it automatically looks for the charging station and prepares for the next work cycle!

Ambrogio is a REAL MOWER, not just help in the garden. The star-shaped knives (4 blades) made of stainless steel have been designed to ensure clean, even and fast cutting of all types of turf. In addition, they serve you throughout the season without having to replace.

Ambrogio is not only an automatic mower, it is very intelligent and highly developed: patented sensors, advanced navigation devices, Eco Mode for optimizing working time, blades whose rotational speed is automatically modulated adequate to the height of the grass … and much more!

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Ambrogio Robot

How it’s working?
Ambrogio mows the grass independently and automatically. It doesn’t require your presence or help. Works at programmed intervals in alternating mowing and charging cycles. Ambrogio always knows what to do: it can mow the entire lawn without leaving out even the smallest area. If it encounters an obstacle, it recognizes it scans; if it gets thicker or taller grass, it activates special functions to cut it. The robot avoids re-mowing areas that have already been mowed, and when the battery is low, it automatically looks for the charging station and prepares for the next work cycle!

Ambrogio is a powerful mower and professional help in your garden. The star-shaped knives (4 blades) of stainless steel have been designed to ensure clean, even and fast cutting of all types of turf. Ambrogio is an intelligent robot that uses advanced technology. You will find in it: patented sensors, efficient and fast navigation devices, blades whose rotational speed is automatically modulated adequate to the height of the grass, autoprogramming for optimization of working time … and much more!

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Ambrogio Robot is the perfect combination of many years of research and work, the latest technology with the irreplaceable and distinctive design „Made in Italy”.



Very fast loading, navigation and recognition of the already mowed area, optimizes work and gives very high efficiency of Ambrogio mowing robots at the level of 500 sq m / hour, and in the case of the L400 line – 1,800 sq m / hour.



The value of the robot can be assessed by using parts and materials. A four or eight-pointed knife up to 35cm in diameter, capacious lithium-ion batteries and brushless motors make the Ambrogio mowers strong, durable and long-lasting.



Even the most complex and extensive areas can be successfully mowed by Ambrogio robotic mowers. The maximum cutting area can be up to 30,000 sq m.



Uninterrupted work up to 10 hours. Manage very large areas in the shortest possible time, thanks to intelligent mowing algorithms, recognition of previously cut grass as well as GPS connectivity and navigation



Trouble-free operation of very steep slopes with a slope of up to 55% (best result on the market). Ambrogio robots are equipped with specially profiled wheels to increase traction.



Working in the rain is unnecessary stress for the grass, even the possibility of its damage. It is not recommended even for traditional mowing. The Ambrogio user has the option of enabling or disabling the rain sensor.



30 robots, suited to all needs, mowing areas from 200 sq m to 30,000 sq m, simple and the most complex areas with a slope of up to 55%.

Excellent quality automatic mowers

We offer the best automatic mowers made in Italy and high-class pool robots. Our devices are characterized by excellent quality and durability. We used permanent components in them: knives, batteries and brushless motors. We are a pioneer of garden robotics – every automatic mower available in our offer is a combination of modern technology and attractive Italian design.

Professional pool cleaning

We offer modern products for cleaning the pool or swimming pool. You can use our robots regardless of whether you are just building a home pool or you want to clean an existing water body. In our offer you will find wireless and noiseless robots that work in both outdoor and indoor pools. We offer solutions with a built-in and hanging station. With us you will take care of your pool: you will improve its purity and water quality. Use the innovative robot to clean the pool and enjoy the high standard in your home. Arrange a presentation and test NEMH20.

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Meet Robofarma!

We are an experienced distributor and integrator of modern, technological solutions. For many years we have been representing in Poland a leading global robot manufacturer Zuchetti Centro Sistemi (ZCS) and we are building a stable position of the Ambrogio brand on the Polish market. We deal with distribution, installation, service and sale of modern robots for mowing and cleaning swimming pools. Our offer is available to customers from all over Poland thanks to the extensive distribution network. Each of our partners ensures high quality of service. Before joining a new company to the network, we organize professional trainings that form the basis of our cooperation. Throughout its duration, we ensure a high level of service throughout the entire distribution network. Our partners regularly expand their knowledge during trainings that guarantee maintaining high standards – professional installation, professional knowledge and advice in every place in Poland! Do you want to see what a modern Ambrogio Robot robotic mower looks like? Contact one of our representatives in your area and see for yourself how great quality our robots present.

With us you will take care of your lawn

Are you looking for equipment with which you can cut grass from your property quickly and conveniently? Do you want to maintain a well-kept and green lawn? Modern robots are the perfect solution. See how our wireless automatic mower works with the mowed area recognition function, GPS navigation and GSM connectivity as well as rain sensors. We used intelligent mowing algorithms, thanks to which our autonomous mower perfectly moves on any terrain. It is a durable robot that also mows steep slopes with an angle of inclination up to 55%. Check how the lawn mower works in your garden or plot. The automatic machine will definitely cope with maintaining the lawn in good condition and you will gain time for yourself!


Postęp technologiczny sprawił, że coraz więcej osób rozważa zastosowanie automatycznych robotów koszących do pielęgnacji ogrodów. Właściciele starszych ogrodów zastanawiają się jednak czy tak zaawansowane urządzenia jak kosiarki samojezdne mogą skutecznie operować na ich terenach, pełnych przeszkód, nierówności i zakamarków.


W świecie nowoczesnych rozwiązań ogrodowych, roboty do koszenia trawy stają się niezastąpionymi pomocnikami w pielęgnacji trawnika. Dzięki napędowi na 4 koła te inteligentne maszyny pokonują każdy teren, dostarczając niezrównaną wydajność i precyzję. Pytanie jednak brzmi: który model wybrać, by zapewnić idealne rozwiązanie do Twojego ogrodu? Odpowiedź na to pytanie kryje się w serii kluczowych czynników, którymi się zajmiemy.


Zimowy przegląd robotów koszących pozwala utrzymać sprzęt w doskonałej kondycji. Warto postawić na sprawdzonego serwisanta, który zna tajniki konserwacji i naprawy tych zaawansowanych urządzeń. Nie czekaj do ostatniej chwili – zadbaj o swoją kosiarkę automatyczną, by cieszyć się pięknie przystrzyżonym trawnikiem przez cały sezon.


Niedoścignionym pragnieniem właścicieli ogrodów jest cieszenie się w pełni urodą swojego terenu, bez konieczności poświęcania czasu na codzienne prace pielęgnacyjne. Wcześniej wygląd zadbanego trawnika był dowodem włożonego ogromu pracy. Piękny ogród bez poświęcania dużej ilości czasu? Teraz to możliwe, dzięki coraz bardziej zaawansowanej technologii automatów koszących do trawy. Współpraca z odpowiedzialną firmą to klucz do zapewnienia sobie kompleksowej obsługi i gwarancji […]


Dane adresowe

Robofarma - wyłączny przedstawiciel: Ambrogio, Tech Line, NemH2O i Aquark w Polsce 

Janinów 8, 95-060 Janinów
+48 575776268

Formularz kontaktowy

    Podanie moich danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne dla prowadzenia korespondencji. Administratorem danych osobowych jest firma ROBOFARMA M. KLESZCZEWSKI SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWO-AKCYJNA. (Osoba odpowiedzialna za przechowywanie danych - Marcin Kleszczewski T.575776268)

    * - pola obowiązkowe